Advance Praise

When Words Were Mountains has a message for everyone who knows a child or an adult who has learning challenges. Clearly, the problems are not just academic. With strong support systems, success can be achieved.” Doris J. Johnson, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Northwestern University


“This inspirational and heart-felt story is a must read for those who want to understand the impact of having a learning disability on the child, her teachers, and her entire family.” Pamela B. Adelman, Ph.D., Executive Director Emerita, Hyde Park Day School at the University of Chicago


When Words Were Mountains brought back my experiences of struggling with reading and the embarrassment of reading orally. I didn’t want the story to end. I wanted to know who Dawn became.” Marilyn Jean Merkle, Orff and Organ Teacher, Church Musician, and Pastoral Counselor


“I use the wisdom in When Words Were Mountains with my students who have learning difficulties and those who don’t.” Claire Aebersold-Neiweem, Teacher at Music Institute of Chicago. International Performing Artist of piano duo repertoire with her husband, Ralph Neiweem. Co-Founder and Director of Chicago Duo-Piano Festival.


“When Words Were Mountains offers the promise of hope for children with special needs. If it had been available years ago when I was raising my son, I would have felt less alone.”  Kate Friedberg, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Intergenerational Family Therapist